Fall 23 Printmaking

Fall 2023 Printmaking at Maud Morgan Arts

Mondays, Screenprinting with Christina Kang | Click here to register.
September 25th – December 4th (Skips 10/9/23), 6:30-9:30pm
(Scholarships are offered, please reach out to Cory for more details). 

About the class: Class is structured both for introductory as well as experienced screenprinters for a 10-week course that covers water-based screenprinting. We’ll be  exploring the basic techniques and concepts of this fine art printmaking process. As always in our studios, there will be an emphasis on non-toxic methods and materials. Techniques covered will include: cut paper and hand-painted (autographic) stencils, monotypes, and photographic emulsion.

Experimental approaches towards the process will be encouraged. No prior experience is required.

We welcome this fall our newest printmaking instructor to our crew, Christina Kang. Kang was born and raised in Morgantown, WV. She has both a BFA (West Virginia University) and MFA (Northern Illinois University) in Printmaking, and was the 2021-2022 Print Technician/Artist-in-Residence at the Maine College of Art & Design in Portland, ME. She currently lives in Cambridge, MA with her wife and two cats. When she’s not in an art studio, she enjoys baking, crochet, and listening to podcasts.

To read more about Kang’s artistic practice, click here.

Saturday, September 23rd, 11am-2pm | Click here to register.
Cyanotpye Printmaking Workshop with Susan Murie
Learn the Cyanotype basics with seasoned printmaker, Susan Murie. Susan will demonstrate how to prepare your paper and make and process prints. And offer tips and tools of the trade for the best results!

Click here for more details and registration.


Wednesdays, September 27th – October 25th, 6:30-9:30pm
Intro to Printmaking with Alex Kalil
‘The class will be an introduction to iterative printmaking techniques! What’s Collograph? Monoprint? These techniques for artistic exploration (and others) will be placed in your hands and together we will build a body of new work by combining these ways of imagemaking. Emphasis on experimentation, no prior experience necessary. Come ready to stretch the boundaries of your creative comfort zone & to learn a few nuts and bolts about printing/printmaking.’

Click here for registration!