MMA Arts Afterschool

1st-5th & 6-8th Grades


Welcome to the Maud Morgan Arts Afterschool Program! Registration for the 2024-25 School Year begins in two phases:

  • On Thursday, July 18th at 8PM, registration will open only for afterschool families and siblings who attended programming through May 2024, current or incoming Baldwin School families, children of Baldwin School and MLBCC staff.
  • On Thursday, July 25th at 8PM, any remaining spots will open up to all other families.

Our MMA Afterschool Arts program is set up into two different programs, our 1st-5th Grade classes, and our 6-8th Grade classes. More details shared on the links below! Register and join waitlists online here.

1st-5th MMA Arts Afterschool Program

6-8th MMA Arts Afterschool Program 

Click here for Youth workshops

“As a family, we are so incredibly grateful for Maud Morgan Arts! … MMA programming has played such a critical role in supporting our family through this time. It has been a safe space for our daughter to continue learning and growing, creating art and meeting with friends.

The staff has been amazingly thoughtful in both its art instruction, providing students the ability to grow in creativity and exploration, and supporting their social emotional needs in an intentional and meaningful way.

MMA teachers and administrators have been flexible, kind, creative, and modeled so many characteristic traits, like resilience and generosity, that we want to see in our family.”


Find more information here and contact Registration with any questions. Scholarships are based on the income information provided by the applicant. Please allow 2-3 weeks for calculation of your award.